Monday, November 7, 2011

Ladies and gentlemen here it is my not research paper!

There was not a lot of notable advertising in newspapers and magazines per turn of the century. Nor were there a lot of branded products. The advertisements were usually smaller than one column and had little or no illustration. The only exception to this was the medicine industry that countered their lack of medicine that actually worked by presenting large colorful ads.
            Many industries from soap to cigarettes began to standardize their products in response to changes in the market. Mail order catalogues and department stores began to hire or create their own advertisement firms. The total amount of advertising grew from about $200 millions worth in the 1880’s to about 3 billion in 1920.
            Previously an advertisement company’s main job was to find room in the extremely limited space of the day’s magazines and newspapers. As the market took off they became more concerned with the artistic aspect of the business than they were the placement of the ads themselves. This they left up to the business. Books were released to try and aid people in understanding the fine workings of the industry. They became much more interested in the way the customer reacted with the ad. Unfortunately they had some early reputation problems because of the medicine industry’s false ads

            The use of store credit was indirectly affected by advertising. As a result the 1920’s became a prosperous decade. Agencies also began using different media outlets, such as movie theaters and radio broadcasts during this time. Advertisers sought to bring consumers into the modern age.
   Chicago and New York became the main hubs of the industry. Chicago was the base of Albert Lasker who was called the father of modern advertising. He developed the cop writing technique and significantly changed popular culture. He even got the country hooked on oranges.


  1. Your's had a lot of good information! It looked really good and you should be proud that you could make a 5 paragraph essay/research paper out of advertisements, I definitely had to give that topic up! It was really cool! Plus, I liked your title.
